Download TWRP for Samsung Phones – (All Versions)

January 4, 2025

Download the latest official TWRP for Samsung Galaxy Phones. Do you want to root your Android device? Do you want to install custom ROMs? To implement these tasks, all you need is the best custom recovery. TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project) is the only recovery that has grown rapidly over a short amount of time.

Download TWRP for Samsung Galaxy Phones

It is preferred over ClockworkMod (CWM) recovery only because of its advanced features and seamlessly easier interface. With the help of TWRP for Samsung, you can root your device, and install the latest custom ROMs like Cyanogenmod, LineageOS, Resurrection Remix, etc. Along with that, it even supports thousands of phones and tablets, and its touch-based interface makes complicated tasks look pretty easy.

How to Install TWRP on Samsung Galaxy Phones

For Samsung phones, TWRP recovery is generally installed using the Odin tool. Odin is popular software that is widely used for flashing official stock firmware, CF-Auto-Root for gaining root access, and much more. We’ve mentioned a detailed tutorial on how to install TWRP for Samsung devices. Check it out.

Download links of TWRP for Samsung Galaxy Phones

Below is the list of TWRP recovery download links for all Samsung Android phones. The list contains all official and unofficially built TWRP recovery for almost all Samsung devices. You can hold Ctrl+F on your keyboard to locate your device.

Samsung DevicesTWRP Recovery
Samsung Galaxy A51Download
Samsung Galaxy A21sDownload
Samsung Galaxy A70Download
Samsung Galaxy A32 5GDownload
Samsung Galaxy A70sDownload
Samsung Galaxy A50Download
Samsung Galaxy A50sDownload
Samsung Galaxy A10Download
Samsung Galaxy A40Download
Samsung Galaxy M40Download
Samsung Galaxy M31Download
Samsung Galaxy M30sDownload
Samsung Galaxy M30Download
Samsung Galaxy M20Download
Samsung Galaxy M10sDownload
Samsung Galaxy M10Download
Samsung Galaxy S9+ (Exynos) (star2lte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S9 (Exynos) (starlte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S8 (Snapdragon) (dreamqlte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S8+ (Snapdragon) (dream2qlte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S8+ (Exynos) (dream2lte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S8 (Exynos) (dreamlte)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S7 edge (China Qualcomm) (hero2qltechn)Download
Samsung Galaxy S7 edge (Exynos) (hero2lte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S7 (China Qualcomm) (heroqltechn)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S7 (Exynos) (herolte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+ (zenlte)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S6 edge (zerolte)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S6 (zeroflte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S5 Qualcomm (klte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S5 Plus (kccat6)Download
Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo Exynos (s5neolte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini Exynos (kminilte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S5 LTE-A (lentislte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S5 Exynos (k3gxx)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S4 (Value Edition) (jfvelte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini US Cellular (serranolteusc)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini (International LTE) (serranoltexx)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini (International Dual SIM) (serranodsdd)Download
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini 64 bit ONLY (serranoveltexx)Download
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini (International 3G) (serrano3gxx)Download
Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE Advanced i9506 (ks01lte)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S4 (Qualcomm) (jflte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S4 Exynos (ja3g) (i9500)Download
Samsung Galaxy S4 Google Edition (jgedlte)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S4 C-Spire (jfltespi)Download
Samsung Galaxy S4 Active (jactivelte)Download
Samsung Galaxy S3 Verizon (d2vzw)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S3 US Cellular (d2usc)Download
Samsung Galaxy S3 T-Mobile (d2tmo)Download
Samsung Galaxy S3 Sprint (d2spr)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo i9301i (s3ve3g)Download
Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini (golden)Download
Samsung Galaxy S3 Metro PCS (d2mtr)Download
Samsung Galaxy S III (International LTE) (i9305)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S3 International Exynos (i9300)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S3 Cricket (d2cri)Download
Samsung Galaxy S3 Canada (d2can)Download
Samsung Galaxy S3 AT&T (d2att)Download
Samsung Galaxy S2 AT&T Skyrocket SGH-i727 (skyrocket)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus (s2ve)Download
Samsung Galaxy S II (International) (i9100)Download
Samsung Galaxy S2 Hercules T-Mobile SGH-t989 (hercules)Download
 Samsung Galaxy S2 Exhilarate SGH-i577 (exhilarate)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Rugby Pro SGH-i547 (comanche)Download
Samsung Galaxy Reverb (iconvmu)Download
Samsung Galaxy Prevail (prevail2spr)Download
Samsung Galaxy On5 (T-Mobile/MetroPCS) (on5ltetmo)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 Qualcomm LTE SM-P905 (viennaltexx)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 Wi-Fi (v1awifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 Exynos 3G (v1a3gxx)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000 (n7000)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 (n5100)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 (Exynos) (greatlte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 (Exynos) (gracelte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 (China Qualcomm) (graceqltechn)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 (noblelte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (Qualcomm) (trlte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Exynos LTE (treltexx) (treltexx)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Exynos 3g (tre3gxx)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Edge (Verizon) (tbltevzw)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Edge (US Celluar) (tblteusc)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Edge (T-Mobile) (tbltetmo)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Edge (Sprint) (tbltespr)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Edge (Korea) (tbltedt)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Edge (International) (tblte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Edge (Canada) (tbltecan)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (Americas, China, Europe & Korea) (hlte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo N750 (hl3g)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (Americas, China, Europe & Korea) (hlte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo N750 (hl3g)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo (hlltexx)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 International Exynos (ha3g)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Verizon (t0ltevzw)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 T-Mobile (t0ltetmo)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE SK Telecom (t0lteskt)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE Korea (t0ltektt)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Sprint (l900)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7105 (t0lte)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100 (t03g)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Canada (t0ltecan)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 AT&T (t0lteatt)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 1 T-Mobile (quincytmo)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 1 AT&T (quincyatt)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014) Qualcomm LTE (lt03ltexx)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014) Exynos Wi-Fi (lt03wifiue)Download
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (p4noterf)Download
Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Verizon) (toro)Download
Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Sprint) (toroplus)Download
Samsung Galaxy Nexus (GSM) (maguro)Download
Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 (melius)Download
Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 (crater)Download
Samsung Galaxy J7 Exynos SM-J700 (j7elte)Download
 Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017 Qualcomm Sprint) (j7popltespr)Download
Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016 Exynos) (j7xelte)Download
Samsung Galaxy J7 (2015 Qualcomm Sprint) (j7ltespr)Download
Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime (on5xelte)Download
Samsung Galaxy J3 2016 Qualcomm (SM-J320YZ) (j3lte)Download
Samsung Galaxy J2 2018 SM-J250G (j2y18lte)Download
Samsung Galaxy J2 (SM-J200) (j2lte)Download
Samsung Galaxy J1 Ace (SM-J110) (j1acelte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime VE (grandprimevelte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime (fortuna3g)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos (i9082)Download
Samsung Galaxy Express 2 (wilcoxltexx)Download
Samsung Galaxy Express (expressltexx)Download
Samsung Galaxy Core Prime Qualcomm CDMA (cprimeltemtr)Download
Samsung Galaxy Core Prime Qualcomm (coreprimelte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Core Prime 3G SM-G360H (core33g)Download
Samsung Galaxy Core Plus (cs02)Download
Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355HN (kanas3gnfc)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Alpha (slte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Ace 4 SM-G316HU (vivalto5mve3g)Download
Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 (loganreltexx)Download
Samsung Galaxy A8+ 2018 (jackpot2lte)Download
Samsung Galaxy A8 2018 (jackpotlte)Download
 Samsung Galaxy A7 2017 (a7y17lte)Download
Samsung Galaxy A7 2016 (Exynos) (a7xelte)Download
Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 (a5y17lte)Download
Samsung Galaxy A5 2016 (Exynos) (a5xelte)Download
Samsung Galaxy A3 2017 (a3y17lte)Download
Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 (Exynos) (a3xelte)Download
Samsung Epic 4g (epicmtd)Download
Samsung Galaxy S Fascinate (fascinatemtd)Download
Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro SM-G600FY (o7prolte)Download
 Samsung Galaxy J5N LTE SM-J500FN (j5nlte)Download
Samsung Galaxy J5 LTE SM-J5008 (j5ltechn)Download
Samsung Galaxy J5 LTE (SM-J500F/G/M/NO/Y) (j5lte)Download
Samsung Galaxy J5 3G SM-J500H (j53gxx)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab E SM-T377P (gtesqltespr)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab E SM-T560NU (gtelwifiue)Download
Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime VE 3G (grandprimeve3g)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime SM-G530MU (gprimeltezt)Download
Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime SM-G530FZ (gprimeltexx)Download
Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime SM-S920L (gprimeltetfnvzw)Download
Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime SM-G530P (gprimeltespr)Download
Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime (SM-G530T/T1/W) (gprimelte)Download
Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro (China) (c9ltechn)Download
 Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro (C900F/Y) (c9lte)Download
Samsung A300H (a33g)Download
Samsung Nexus S 4G (crespo4g)Download
Samsung Nexus S (crespo)Download
Samsung Nexus 10 (manta)Download
Samsung Gear Live (sprat)Download
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 3 VE SM-G389F (xcover3velte)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Xcover 3 (xcover3ltexx)Download
Samsung Galaxy Victory 4G LTE (goghspr)Download
Samsung Galaxy V SM-G313HZ (vivalto3gvn)Download
Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus GT-S7580 (kylepro)Download
Samsung Galaxy Trend Lite (kylevess)Download
Samsung Galaxy Trend (kyleve)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 LTE (klimtlte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 WiFi (klimtwifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 WiFi (2016) (gts210vewifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 2015 (Wi-Fi) (gts210wifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 2015 (LTE) (gts210ltexx)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 LTE (2016) (gts210velte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 WiFi (2016) (gts28vewifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 2015 (Wi-Fi) (gts28wifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 2015 (LTE) (gts28ltexx)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 LTE (2016) (gts28velte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE (chagalllte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 WiFi (chagallwifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 Wi-Fi (mondrianwifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 LTE (mondrianlte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2 Wi-Fi (v2awifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 LTE (picassoltexx)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 Wi-Fi (picassowifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab E 8.0 Exynos (gteslte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab A 9.7 WiFi (gt510wifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8.0 LTE SM-A800i (a8hplte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 WiFi (2016) with S-Pen (gtanotexlwifi)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 WiFi (2016) (gtaxlwifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 LTE (2016) with S-Pen (gtanotexllte)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 (p6810)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 (degas)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 (all variants) (matisse)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite 7.0 3G (goyave)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 LTE (lt02ltetmo)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (Wi-Fi – unified) (espressowifi)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (GSM – unified) (espresso3g)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (Wi-Fi) (p3110)Download
 Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (GSM) (p3100)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (Wi-Fi) (p5110)Download
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (GSM) (p5100)Download
Samsung Galaxy Stellar 4G (SCH-i200 Verizon) (jaspervzw)Download
Samsung Galaxy Star Pro (logan2g)Download
Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4G (SGH-T769)Download
Samsung Galaxy A30 (A305F)Download

If any of the above links of TWRP for Samsung have stopped working, then kindly contact us through the comments section.

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64 thoughts on “Download TWRP for Samsung Phones – (All Versions)

    • Hi Joel,

      As of now, TWRP is available only for the following A02 models –

      1) Galaxy A02s
      2) Galaxy A025F
      3) Galaxy A025M
      4) Galaxy A025G

      Let me know if you have a device from the above list, and I’ll guide you further.

  1. Twrp para Samsung Galaxy A025m Android 12 por favor agradecería mucho su ayuda

    Translated: Twrp for Samsung Galaxy A025m Android 12 please help me very much

  2. please can you help to get me twrp recovery file for samsung a235f i searched everywhere but its unavailable..i will be really thankful.. android 13 one ui 5 A235FXXU3CWE4..rooted

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